It's that time again to begin planning Family Reunion's for the summer months. We at KME plan Family Reunions and know that it can be an overwhelming task. We are here to help! First develop a realistic budget.
You need to decide what things you want to be included in your Reunion. Are you planning tours? Visits to places of interest? How about Souvenirs, T-shirts, name tags? The list can go on, but you should try and get a clear idea of the type event you want to have and think about all that will be included with that.
Heres a checklist of billed items that you will want to start with:
Bank Account
Phone calls
Printing and mailing
Registration supplies
Picnic or meal expenses
Rentals of tables, chairs and linens
Post Reunion Communication
Now that you have clearly identified expenses you will want to look for ways to share them. You can assess each attendee or divide costs among families, you can even take financial ability into account and charge accordingly. Establish a criteria for the expenses to be taken care of and stick to it.
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